Sunday, September 28, 2008

A Lesson in the Birds and the...urm..I mean Grasshoppers?

Jaron and I were outside trimming the bushes in front of our house, and this is what I uncovered (literally). I feel badly for invading their privacy, but isn't this something that is only supposed to happen in the Spring? Jaron wasn't too inquisitive, so thankfully I have avoided that conversation at least a little while longer :).

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The Winder (Windstorm) from Hurricane Ike

Here are some photos of roof damage we incurred. We were without electricity for FIVE days! Now, that's not much compared to some of my other friends whom were without for 10! Strangely enough, or fortunately, we found ways to enjoy the lack of power. We've never been more of a team than during the power outage. I actually miss it. The only negative thing was losing all of our cold/frozen food. I guess the savings in electricity should help replace it. We have an adjuster coming to look at the roof soon, and if we have an expensive enough claim, we can claim the food as well.

This happened on a Sunday, and as we were leaving church, Jaron & I watched a wall of dirt sweep across the parking lot. It really shocked me. Poor Ethan couldn't even catch his breath on our walk out to the car. I was pretty freaked out about that. The drive home was uneventful, until we arrived at the entrance of our subdivision. There was emergency vehicles and traffic directors, and all we could see was smoke rising behind them. There is a forest on that side of the road, so it was a little concerning. After getting home, our whole neighborhood it seems was excited about this windstorm, as everyone was outside just looking around in amazement while the wind whipped about ferociously. We stayed inside for the most part. But then one of our neighbors knocked on our door very excitedly. He wanted to tell us our shingles were flapping about, so we couldn't help ourselves, we went outside to see what he was so excited about. Apparently, the roof contractors didn't nail all of our shingles down. This house was built in 1999! The cutest memory though is from Jaron, our oldest. He's 3, and he's seen a particular Tigger & Pooh episode multiple times that talks about Thunder and Lightening. So, as we were walking outside, Jaron stood on the porch yelling "Mommy, it's Winder! It's just winder!" I have to admit, it took me a little while to figure out what he was saying. I guess he thought it made sense, if in a storm there is a loud noise, that is Thunder, then a storm with lots and lots of wind, must be called Winder!

The Rhea Family

Last Saturday, we took Ethan to get his photo taken for a First Year collage portrait to be completed on his first birthday. The photographer had us meet her at Yew Dell in Crestwood. We had never been there before, but now it won't be our last. It was gorgeous! I'll post more photos of the gardens another time, but for now, here are some photos we made on our own while we were there.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Jaron's 1st Wedding

Jaron was SO very handsome in a tuxedo. It was a bit large for him, but he never complained, not even once! The shoes were so tight and stiff, but it didn't bother him. I have to say, Jaron has hardly ever complained about anything. He's always been a 'go with the flow' kinda guy. What a blessing that is for mommy! ;)

Jaron was one of two ringbearers. The wedding was for Jaron's babysitter, Holly. The other ringbearer was Scotty. Holly's sister Jenna is Scotty's Nanny. Scotty and Jaron are really good buddies. They had a lot of fun running around the church before the wedding, and keeping each other company.

We love Holly. She and her new hubby, Daniel, love Jaron & Ethan both, and it is such a blessing to us when they offer to watch them so Joe & I can have some time just for us. Jaron just adores Miss Howwy, and if he were a bit older and understood what having a girlfriend means, I just know he'd consider her his girlfriend. :) He really loves her!