Saturday, October 4, 2008

Spider In My Hair

Yeah...not so fun. This spider had been hanging around outside our kitchen window, with it's web attached to the roof of our sunroom, which is also just above the entrance to the crawl space. We first discovered it when Joe & his dad were installing a sump pump under the house, and Joe voiced concern about the spider possibly getting on him. Of course the spider stayed where it was and never did I ever see it move from its spot for several days. Imagine my surprise when I walked into my sunroom this morning and directly into this spiders' web. I backed up hastily, looked up and saw this HUGE spider mind you climbing out of my hair then stuffing quite violently the web into its' mouth. How in the world did he get inside?! Apparently the room isn't tied to the house properly...

So, I had the willy-nillies the rest of the day, needless to say. Jaron was very excited to have the opportunity to observe a spider this large so closely (thru the glass door). So I took the time to teach him about Spiders being God's creation and even though they can make us scared sometimes, God still loves them and he created them for a purpose.

I was hoping it would decide to go back outside since it wouldn't be able to eat anything inside, but it didn't. The next day she was still in there. When Joe got home that day, I was standing at the back door watching it, as it was getting ready to spin a new web, but when it climbed down to the doorknob and tried to attach a web-string to it, it did not attach and the spider fell 2 feet to the ground and apparently was knocked out, for it didn't move for several minutes. Joe took the opportunity to spray it, and it died.

So, Jaron also got a lesson in death. Quite a lot for a 3 year old to learn in 2 days! Somehow I don't think he understands yet, because he still asks if the spider is going to climb back up the wall. To which I reply, "No, Jaron. The spider is dead, which means it will never come back. It is gone forever." He just looked at me and said "He'll never come back? OK, Mommy" then he ran off to play.

1 comment:

Cowboy/Rev. said...

Uh Huh...Still dealing with your arachnaphobia I see...? LOL Anyways, life lessons are very important for our children, but check out this little fact, and I can't even remember where I heard it from...Probaly one of the discovery channel things, or Animal Planet. None the less, I heard that if it wasnt for the spiders in the world and their voracious appetite for other insects... that the Human Race would probably be extinct by now, over run and overcome by all the insects of the world. So spiders are a good thing. Just watch Charlotte's Web and get a good dose of guilt like I did watching the Bambi cartoon with one of my grandbabies recently. Especially since I'm such an avid Deer hunter and just love those Deer to pieces...Especially when they are next to the Mashed Potatoes & Gravy on my plate LOL! My Point is this...Next time dont spray and kill the Dang thing. put it in a jar with a lid and release it in the great outdoors somewhere and teach that Grandson a lesson about the love, salvation, mercy & grace of God. etc. etc.
This after all is one of the perks of being a grandparent. Getting to set back and armchair quarterback all your adult childrens parenting skills...ROFLMAO!!!! YES THERE IS JUSTICE FOR ALL THE THINGS OUR KIDS PUT US THROUGH WHEN WE WERE RAISING THEM!!!! We get to spoil their kids to pieces and then send them home and we also get to second guess all the time...Who Loves You Aimee???? You Know your Daddy Does. BE BLESSED & BE WELL!